Doedre's Elixir

Doedre's Elixir is a great Path of Exile flask, which can be delivered instantly in all leagues. We keep Doedre's Elixir poe item in stock.

Doedre's Elixir
Greater Mana Flask
Recovers 120 Mana over 4 Second
Consumes 9 of 36 Charge on use
Currently has 36 Charge
Requires Level 12
(250–300)% increased Charges per use
Removes 80% of your maximum Energy Shield on use
You take 50% of your maximum Life as Chaos Damage on use
Gain (1–3) Endurance Charge on use
Gain (1–3) Frenzy Charge on use
Gain (1–3) Power Charge on use
Doedre Darktongue knew the Way of the Thaumaturge.
In order to receive, one must give... without hesitation.
Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
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