Loyalty Tattoo of Kiloava

Loyalty Tattoo of Kiloava is a great Path of Exile tattoo, which can be delivered instantly in all leagues, including the latest Ancestor. We keep Loyalty Tattoo of Kiloava poe item in stock.

Summon Spirit of Kiloava
Level: 1–2
Cooldown Time: 80.00 sec
Summons an immortal chieftain minion of the Valako tribe to fight alongside you for a duration. This minion grants you a buff which recovers life, mana and energy shield when you block. Shares a Cooldown with other Spirit Chieftain Skills.
Base duration is (0.01–12) seconds
Buff Recovers (5–20)% of Life, Mana and Energy Shield when you Block
(20–85)% increased Buff Effect per allocated Valako Tattoo
This Skill's Cooldown does not recover during its effect
Trigger this Skill when you Block Damage from a Unique Enemy
Minions' Level is equal to yours, up to a maximum of (85–12000)
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